Greening Initiatives and Organizations
CCA Greening Committee:
- Activities: Organizes the annual CCA Yard and Plant Sale, maintains the green space at the corner of Carling and Merivale and co-ordinates spring/autumn park-cleaning.
- Please contact to offer ideas and suggestions or if you wish to volunteer.
- Recent New Initiatives:
- encouraging pollinator gardens
- expanding Carlington’s existing tree canopy.
- Related Information:
Encouraging Pollinator Gardens
The CCA recognizes the importance of increasing natural habitat within Carlington (and elsewhere) and would like to encourage residents to consider making part of their property pollinator-friendly.
The Internet has lots of information on this subject; we have curated here some information around frequently-asked questions: Carlington Loves Pollinators.
Note: Many links are from Berit Erickson’s wonderful website. A local resident who started a tiny native plant patch in her yard now shares her knowledge and experience in her website: The Corner Pollinator Garden and Wildlife Habitat. Or you can download her brochure for an overview.
Resources for Increasing Carlington’s Tree Canopy:
Did you know that you can get a street tree (i.e., between the street and your home) for FREE? The City of Ottawa is committed to increasing its tree cover: Tree Planting. Information on choosing tree size and tree species (native species are recommended) is available at: Trees of Kitchissippi and Trees Canadensis: Growing Trees in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec.
Before you cut down a tree, learn about the City of Ottawa’s Tree Protection By-Law.
Carlington-based Green Information and Organizations:
- Parks and Green Spaces: Information on Carlington’s green spaces and related initiatives.
- Friends of Carlington Park: They work with the Hampton-Iona Community Group on common green issues. The two groups publish a joint newsletter; sign up at
- Friends of the Central Experimental Farm: Preserve, protect, maintain and enhance the public areas of the Farm.
- Fletcher Wildlife Garden: How to create wildlife-friendly habitat and gardens, emphasizing native plants.
Ottawa-based Green Organizations:
- EnviroCentre: Their activities and programs focus on four main areas: green homes, green transportation, green lifestyles and green business.
- Future Homes Ottawa: Funded in part by the Ottawa Climate Action Fund, and in partnership with the City of Ottawa, this program is meant to raise community awareness around deep retrofits, improve the supports in place for homeowners who want to complete a retrofit, and support the creation of neighbourhood demonstration projects where local residents can learn from their neighbours about the realities of a deep retrofit project. Carlington is one of two Ottawa neighbourhoods chosen for the neighbourhood demonstration projects.
- Ecology Ottawa: Provides information and tools needed to understand local environmental issues and promotes environmental leadership at all levels impacting the City of Ottawa.
- Green Ottawa Directory: A volunteer-run organization that consolidates everything green/sustainable/eco-friendly/renewable/natural/organic in Ottawa. Whether for fun, work, politics or profit — how to get connected? Green Ottawa was created to do just that.
See all issues
of the
Carlington Hampton Newsletter
Latest news on parks and greening…
Survey for Ottawa’s Tree Planting Strategy
The survey takes about 10 minutes. Think about completing it even if you don’t yet know much about the Strategy.
Buy a rain barrel from a local fundraiser
Raise money for a good cause and improve storm water management a the same time!
Fall Cleaning the Capital was a success!
A big Thank-You to everyone who participated.
Cleaning the Capital on Saturday, October 14
Time once again to clean up Raven, Alexander and Meadowale Parks. From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Rain Date: 10-12 p.m. on Sunday, October 15)
Join us on Saturday, June 17, for the CCA’s Annual Yard and Plant Sale
This year’s sale is in conjunction with W.E. Gowling School to fundraise for new playground equipment.