Carlington Loves Pollinators
How do I get native plants?
Buy native plants and seeds from specialty stores, swap seeds and plants with neighbours, collect seed from the wild.
Find out more….
- Annual plant sale held in May by Friends of the Farm in the K.W. Neatbe Building parking lot. Check their Events page
- Annual plant sale held in June at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden.
- Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library, “borrow” seeds for free, return seeds when you can
From Berit Erickson’s website:
- Buying native plants, gives a list of local native plant specialists.
- Growing native plants from seed, lists local seed sources as well as how to save money by growing your plants from seed.
From Friends of Carlington and Hampton Parks Youtube channel:
- Growing Native Wildflowers from Seed (webinar)
Pollinator InformationTable of Contents
- Why are pollinators so important?
- How do I get started?
- Why native plants?
- How do I choose the plants?
- How do I get native plants?
- Be a lazy gardener