Development and Transportation Projects

Alexander Community Centre Expansion

  • Project Type:  Renovation and expansion of existing building
  • Status:   Funding is approved; planning is on-going.
  • Last updated: May 2024


Details:  At the CCA’s May 2021 AGM, Councillor Brockington presented the 3 options drawn up by the City. As well, he distributed a flyer outlining the 3 options to all Carlington residents to solicit feedback through an Engage Ottawa survey. He also held pop-up consultations at both the Alexander and Bellevue Community Centres. Residents are excited to see a new kitchen, a teen lounge and computer space and the potential for library services. They are also supportive of a new gym, especially the youth, and that it could be divided into two separate spaces.

Councillor Brockington’s goal for 2023 was to secure the remaining $4.8 million needed to start construction on this $10 million project.  He has commited $1 million of the River Ward cash-in-lieu account. 

However, the August 2023 results of the OPL’s city-wide assessment of capital needs were that Carlington does not qualify for a branch, even one where a building is already located.  Councillors Naqvi and Lieper are also both supportive but, ultimately, the only way currently for a Carlington library branch is there is funding from upper-tier government. Riley has convened a Carlington Working Group, including the CCA and residents, working with the OPL for ways to increase OPL services in Carlington in the meantime and to continue pushing for a Carlington branch library.

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  • Or view the reports Riley makes at the CCA General meetings on our Documents webpage.