River Ward Community Breakfast

Councillor Riley Brockington, in partnership with Enbridge, welcomes you to a morning gathering with pancakes and sausages, indoor playground bouncing castles, and more! Free and all are welcome. Saturday, April 8, 20239:00 to 10:30 a.m.Alexander Community Centre960...

Transportation Master Plan Update

The City of Ottawa has released updated TMP Part 1 materials, refined based on feedback received from residents and stakeholders during TMP Phase 3 Public Engagement. The revised documents will include: TMP Policies and “Highlights” Active Transportation...

New Zoning By-law: Discussion Papers and Survey Release

On March 6, 2023, seven discussion papers were released on Engage Ottawa for the new Zoning By-law, covering a diverse range of topics. These papers address key issues relating to the implementation of the new Official Plan, including: climate change, resiliency,...

Family Math

Family Math is a six week program consisting of games and activities to help children understand Pre-Kinder math concepts. Parents, caregivers and children will work and play together! Family MathThursdays, April 13 to May 1810:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m.900 Merivale Road...

Carlington Street Market Pick-up at New Location

Ottawa Street Markets has a brand new pickup location located in the Carlington neighbourhood. Fringe and Foliage is Ottawa’s only Hair Salon & House Plant store, located at 1300 Carling Avenue. Order online through the online store and pickup your order...

Trivia Night: Carlington vs. Hintonburg

City Councillors Riley Brockington and Jeff Leiper present… ward vs. ward Trivia Night! Trivia NightSaturday, March 4, 20235:00 p.m. Free pizza dinner6:00 p.m. Trivia match begins Registration of teams from one to four individuals is required. Carlington teams:...