About the CCA
We Are:
- A volunteer-run, not-for-profit dedicated to building a greener, safer and better Carlington.
- A forum for discussions of local and municipal issues.
- A focus of dialogue with our city councillor (and other politicians at other levels of government).
- A framework for neighbourhood projects, activities and social events.
Our 3 primary goals:
Advocacy: promoting, mobilizing and engaging our community.
Connectivity: providing a forum for individuals to engage on matters they share in common.
Education: gathering, housing, producing and sharing knowledge.
Our Meetings
- Everyone is welcome at our meetings; however, only members can vote, propose motions, etc., at general meetings. Guest speakers are invited as needed to keep us up-to-date on current issues.
- General Meetings: Usually the second Tuesday of September, November and February through Zoom. The schedule appears on this page as well as on our homepage.
- Annual General Meeting: The second Tuesday in May. The Board reports on its activities for the preceding year. Elections are held for any board positions that need to be filled.
- Board Meetings: Observers are welcome, but they cannot participate in the meeting. However, they can ask questions or discuss issues with board members after the meeting.
Board Members 2023-2024
- Brian Beard, President (president@carlingtoncommunity.org)
- Alexandra Hodgson, Vice President (communications@carlingtoncommunity.org)
- Jenn Sailus, Secretary (secretary@carlingtoncommunity.org)
- Mateusz Trybowski, Treasurer (treasurer@carlingtoncommunity.org)
- Robert Brinker
- Cathie Fraser
- Olivia Jones
- Julie-Ann Kirkpatrick
- Alaine Spiwak
- Activities (activities@carlingtoncommunity.org): Chaired by Alaine Spiwak. Co-ordinates between the CCA and local community centres / organizations for public events and local programming. Creates additional events relevant to all community members. Committee members volunteer at local community-friendly events.
- Communications (communications@carlingtoncommunity.org): Chaired by Alexandria Hodgson. Co-ordinates information dissemination through CCA newsletters and social media.
- Development and Planning (development@carlingtoncommunity.org): Chaired by Robert Brinker. A forum for debating and discussing development issues. Submits recommendations and written proposals to the CCA Board, gives guidance on association interventions and submissions regarding local development matters. For current projects, please see Development, Transportation and Pedestrians.
- Greening (greening@carlingtoncommunity.org): Chaired by Olivia Jones. Organizes the CCA Yard and Plant Sales, maintains the green space at Carling and Merivale and co-ordinates park-cleaning. New directions include expanding Carlington’s tree canopy and encouraging pollinator gardens (see our Greening page for more information).
- Membership (membership@carlingtoncommunity.org): Chaired by Alexandria Hodgson. Fosters relationships with members. Works throughout the year on recruitment, retention and renewal of members. Goal: to encourage as many households as possible in the Carlington community to be engaged with the CCA through membership drives.
- Transportation and Pedestrian Issues Committee (president@carlingtoncommunity.org): Chaired by Brian Beard. A forum for recognizing and addressing resident opinions and concerns, promoting ideas, (i.e., reducing vehicle speed and frequency). Works closely with our City Councillor.
- To participate in any of the above committees, please send an email to: communications@carlingtoncommunity.org.
Supplementary Committees
- Alexander Healthful Food Working Group: Workshops provide an opportunity for community residents to share interests on the topic of gardening and food. Led by a Carlington Community Health Centre employee, the Working Group identifies and addresses concerns with the aim being to set goals and initiate change moving forward. (To participate, please call 613.722.4000, ext. 299.)
- Safety Audit Committee: Led by Carlington Community Health Centre staff, the Committee regularly conducts Safety Audit Walks throughout the community with expert representatives from WISE or other safety partners on selected streets in Carlington neighbourhoods during both daytime and evening hours. Members participate in walks and review results of the walks. This provides residents with opportunities to voice safety concerns. (To participate, please call 613.722.4000, ext. 299.)
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CCA Meeting Schedule: 2024-2025
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Hybrid meetings (through Zoom and in-person). Contact membership@carlingtoncommunity.org to register for any meeting.
- (Mon) Sept 9, 2024: Board Meeting
- (Thur) Sept 19, 2024: General Meeting
- (Mon) Oct 7, 2024: Board Meeting
- (Mon) Nov 4 2024: Board Meeting
- (Thur) Nov 14, 2024: General Meeting
- (Mon) Jan 6, 2025: Board Meeting
- (Mon) Feb 3, 2025: Board Meeting
- (Mon) Feb 24, 2025: General Meeting
- (Mon) Mar 3, 2025: Board Meeting
- (Mon) April 7, 2025: Board Meeting
- (Mon) May 5, 2025: Board Meeting
- (Thur) May 15, 2025: Annual General Meeting
- June Board meeting TBD