Homebound Services:
Homebound Services provides free deliveries of Ottawa Public Library materials (books, audiobooks, music CDs, DVDs, magazines) to Ottawa residents who are unable to visit the Library due to age, illness or disability. They deliver to homes, retirement residences and long-term care facilities.
A minimum of three months’ commitment is required.
OPL staff will work with you to build a profile of your interests. Staff will select materials based on those interests but you can also request special items for delivery
Talking Book Service:
Homebound Services with print disabilities can also register for the Talking Book Service, giving them access to the Talking Book collection and items from the Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA). Audiobooks are available in several formats.
Extended borrowing periods:
If you can access a library branch, but need a longer borrowing period due to a disability or an illness, you can apply for “Accessibility Status”, which extended your borrowing period to six weeks (except for downloadable content and for Express items).
Please click here to see more information about these services.