New development planned for 864 Lady Ellen Place

There was a development plan for this part of Lady Ellen place about a year ago; this development replaces the older one. This new proposed development will be two new storage warehouses: Building A will be four storeys in height containing self storage units....

Virtual Public Info Session on Phases 3 and 4 of new Ottawa Hospital

The City of Ottawa has received a Site Plan Application for the Ottawa Hospital. The subject application includes both the third and fourth phase of the Master Site Plan consisting of a Central Utility Plant with electrical, heating and cooling equipment (Phase 3) and...

Pollinator Pals Webinar (Online)

Hosted by the Friends of Carlington and Hampton Parks. Join Susan Gordon and Lydia Wong of the University of Ottawa as they share their love of insects as well as some of their latest research findings. Free and all are welcome. Pollinator Pals WebinarWednesday,...

Free Dental Screenings for all ages

Ottawa Public Health offers free dental screening for all ages, on a first-come, first-served basis. No appointment is necessary. Free Dental Screenings1475 Caldwell AvenueFirst Thursday of each month (Feb 2, March 2, April 6, May 4, June 1)10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m....